Online Feldenkrais Classes


Time Zone
Melbourne Australia AEST 
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Remember to use  Melbourne, Australia as your reference.

Attending to yourself Online program for Off grid people

Feldenkrais Six weeks program.

I will guide you verbally through a sequence of movements designed to improve your mobility and attention. The session will be via zoom, at your own place.

This session has a limited number of participants to make the session a great experience for everyone. You will need a computer with audio/video and a private uninterrupted space, ideally with enough space for you to lie on your back and a flat, comfortable surface The session will go for 60 minutes.

Recording of the sessions are available afterwards At the end of each session, I will be open the space to answering your questions.

Wednesdays 9.30 am

From April 10th-May 15th

Melbourne Sydney time

Functional Integration

One on One Online Feldenkrais session.

This session will be designed based on your individual needs or interests. I will be guiding you verbally to a process of self-discovery through better-coordinated movement.

The session will be via zoom, at your place. You will need a computer with audio/video and a private uninterrupted space, ideally with enough space for you to lie on your back and a flat, comfortable surface.

This session will be 50 minutes in length. I will take your questions during this session.

Recordings of the session will follow.